Physically disabled but sharp-witted Billy Claven dreams of escaping his mundane existence. When a Hollywood film crew descends on a neighbouring island, and the eccentric inhabitants of Inishmaan find their lives disrupted, ‘Cripple Billy’ spies an opportunity.
As the island folk navigate the fortunes and challenges presented by the film crew’s arrival, McDonagh weaves a dark comedic tale shadowed by the tragedy and complexities of rural Irish living.
Presented by BOLT Productions – Twelve Angry Men (Cork Opera House 2023) The Crucible (The Everyman 2022)
Cast: Owen Warren, Edel Burke, Deirdre Dunlea, Sam Torres, Matthew Real, Ciara Maria Ni Tuathaigh, Margaret O’Sullivan, Karl Buckley & Cian Lehane
Directed by Darren Kelleher
Lighting Design – Tim Feehily
Production Design – Hannah Lane
Production Manager – Michael Greene
This amateur production of “The Cripple of Inishmaan” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French
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